Passive Investment Calculator

Annual Income From Investment:


Total Income From Investment:


Total Passive Income:


Income Per Payment Period:


Passive Investment Calculator

Passive Investment Calculator

Investing is a smart way to grow your money without actively managing it daily. A Passive Investment Calculator helps estimate how much your investment will be worth over time, factoring in your initial investment, returns, and additional contributions.

How This Calculator Works

This calculator determines your investment’s future value based on:

Formula Used

To estimate how much your investment will grow, the following formula is applied:

Future Value of Investment = Initial Investment Amount * (1 + Expected Annual Return Rate / 100) ^ Investment Duration + Additional Contributions * [(1 + Expected Annual Return Rate / 100) ^ Investment Duration - 1] / (Expected Annual Return Rate / 100)
Total Investment Value = Future Value of Investment

This formula calculates both the compounded growth of your initial investment and the effect of periodic contributions over time.

Example Calculation

Let’s say you invest $5,000 at an annual return rate of 6% for 15 years, adding $200 per month:

  1. Initial Investment: $5,000

  2. Annual Return Rate: 6%

  3. Investment Duration: 15 years

  4. Additional Contributions: $200 per month (or $2,400 per year)

Using the formula:

Future Value = 5,000 * (1 + 6 / 100) ^ 15 + 200 * 12 * [(1 + 6 / 100) ^ 15 - 1] / (6 / 100)

After 15 years, your total investment value would be approximately $78,000.


1. What is passive investing?

Passive investing is a long-term strategy where you invest money and let it grow over time without frequent buying and selling.

2. How accurate is this calculator?

This calculator provides an estimate based on fixed returns, but real-world investments may fluctuate.

3. Can I use this for different types of investments?

Yes, this works for stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, and any other investment with expected annual returns.

4. What if I don’t make additional contributions?

No problem! Just set Additional Contributions = 0, and the formula will calculate based on your initial investment only.

5. What is the impact of increasing my contributions?

Adding money regularly boosts compound growth, significantly increasing your total investment value over time.

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